Three Things About Mondays (2011)

1. They follow Sunday.

2. They are the first day of
the work week.

3. They arrive quickly.
Wish someone could send-
A longer weekend.

Three Things About Mondays (2011)

1. They follow Sunday.

2. They are the first day of
the work week.

3. They arrive quickly.
Wish someone could send-
A longer weekend.

Three Things About Mondays (2011)

1. They follow Sunday.

2. They are the first day of
the work week.

3. They arrive quickly.
Wish someone could send-
A longer weekend.

Three Things About Mondays (2011)

1. They follow Sunday.

2. They are the first day of
the work week.

3. They arrive quickly.
Wish someone could send-
A longer weekend.

Three To Arrive (2016)

1. Letter.
2. Visitor.
3. Monday.
You knew it would-
As it should.





A Child’s Time-In Simple Rhyme (498)

In full drive-

For my graduation, many relatives will arrive.



Ever So Hard-To Write A Greeting Card (57)

You knew that this day would come-

And your age would change some.

(Happy Birthday)



Three To Arrive (2016)

1. Tiny.
2. Wee.
3. Precious.
Your newborn today-
Brings thoughts of joy,
our way.




To Carry A Heavy Load-While Driving On The Road (76)

The moment will one day arrive-

When you really and truly, ACTUALLY, know how to drive.



Three Ways To Arrive (2015)

1. By car.
2. By train.
3. Through reading.
To take you places-
To travel new lands,
to meet new faces.


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