Three Dressed (2015)

1. Home.
2. Tree.
3. Work staff.
Holiday lit-

Everyone in the

Christmas spirit.




Three Generally Involved In Medicare Scams (2014)

1. Hospital CEO.
2. Other staff.
3. Not a patient.
They are the ones used-
When Medicare is abused.


Three To Donate (2014)

1. Time.
2. Cash.
3. Bonus.
Giving it up, those executives at Parkland Hospital
in Dallas-
Enabling the staff $10.25 salary, to amass.


Three Ways To Improve The Medical Care On Cruise Ships (2010)

1. Increase the medical staff.
2. Give the in ship doctors a raise.
3. Rotate the passenger doctors, who are there at the public’s
expense, sunbathing on their pharmacutical dispensing bonuses.
The dose-
That benefits all the most.


Three Side Doors (2010)

1. To the kitchen.

2. For the staff.

3. For United States Supreme
Court visitors.
Security is the issue, and the reason
that we saw-
The public no longer entering the
Court’s Great Hall, after passing
the famous words, ‘Equal Justice
Under Law.’

Three Reasons We Have To Wait Longer At The Airport (2013)

1. They don’t have enough staff.

2. They can’t hire any more staff.

3. We demanded cuts, to

balance the budget.


Can’t skirt-

It does appear to hurt.


A Special Say-Regarding The Houston Chronicle Today # 319

I had to laugh-

At that funny story written by the Houston Chronicle staff.