Three Places To Find Tools (2009)

1. At the hardware store.

2. In the tool box at home.

3. Inside of surgical patients
that were accidently left
by the operating doctor.
A sponge or staple may be
sized fine-
But can leave a patient in a
serious bind.


Three Topics For Poetry (2015)

1. Drama.
2. Love.
3. The medical world.
To take a seat-
And join in the heartbeat.


Three Topics For Poetry (2015)

1. Drama.
2. Love.
3. The medical world.
To take a seat-
And join in the heartbeat.


Three Helicopters (2015)

1. Military.
2. Medical.
3. Parental.
Duties to cover-
A continual hover.


In The Golden Days Seen-On The TV Screen (61)

Back in 1961, much medical expertise and emotion to see-

Weekly, on Ben Casey.




Three Things Required To Become A Doctor (2008)

1. A degree.

2. Some type of bedside manner.

3. The ability to wash their hands.
Fines will be awarded to those hands that aren’t clean-
For too many germs appear and travel throughout the hospital scene.

The New That Happened To Unfold-From The Old (516)

“Natural” conception-

To the new innovative medical ways that it is now done.



In The Golden Days Seen-On The TV Screen (61)

Back in 1961, much medical expertise and emotion to see-

Weekly, on Ben Casey.




Three For Research (2016)

1. Term paper.
2. Employment hunt.
3. Medical.
To search and find-
Important for mankind.






Three Involved In Those Aborted Baby Body Parts (2015)

1. Patients from “all” walks of life.
2. Doctors (Private and Clinic ones)
3. Research.
Also coming through-
Many “shareholders” too.


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