Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 674 (Where Have All The Stuffed Eggs Gone?)

The recipe was carefully prepared-
Not one ingredient was spared.
The eggs were boiled and peeled
just right-
The mayo was added, with pickle
sprinkled light.
Each egg was stuffed, and set on the
A warning went out, for those who
could not wait.
And, before dinner, it became clear-
That the deviled eggs began to disappear.
No one would admit it, no one wanted to say-
That they had eaten or taken the eggs away.
It was a good thing that an extra plate had
been made-
That had been secretly hidden, so they too
would not fade.
The recipe was carefully prepared-
Not one ingredient was spared.


Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 674

The recipe was carefully prepared-

Not one ingredient was spared.


The eggs were boiled and peeled

just right-

The mayo was added, with pickle

sprinkled light.


Each egg was stuffed, and set on the


A warning went out, for those who

could not wait.


And, before dinner, it became clear-

That the deviled eggs began to disappear.


No one would admit it, no one wanted to say-

That they had eaten or taken the eggs away.


It was a good thing that an extra plate had

been made-

That had been secretly hidden, so they too

would not fade.


The recipe was carefully prepared-

Not one ingredient was spared.

Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 674

The recipe was carefully prepared-

Not one ingredient was spared.


The eggs were boiled and peeled

just right-

The mayo was added, with pickle

sprinkled light.


Each egg was stuffed, and set on the


A warning went out, for those who

could not wait.


And, before dinner, it became clear-

That the deviled eggs began to disappear.


No one would admit it, no one wanted to say-

That they had eaten or taken the eggs away.


It was a good thing that an extra plate had

been made-

That had been secretly hidden, so they too

would not fade.


The recipe was carefully prepared-

Not one ingredient was spared.

Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 674

The recipe was carefully prepared-

Not one ingredient was spared.


The eggs were boiled and peeled

just right-

The mayo was added, with pickle

sprinkled light.


Each egg was stuffed, and set on the


A warning went out, for those who

could not wait.


And, before dinner, it became clear-

That the deviled eggs began to disappear.


No one would admit it, no one wanted to say-

That they had eaten or taken the eggs away.


It was a good thing that an extra plate had

been made-

That had been secretly hidden, so they too

would not fade.


The recipe was carefully prepared-

Not one ingredient was spared.

Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 674 (Where Have All The Stuffed Eggs Gone?)

The recipe was carefully prepared-
Not one ingredient was spared.
The eggs were boiled and peeled
just right-
The mayo was added, with pickle
sprinkled light.
Each egg was stuffed, and set on the
A warning went out, for those who
could not wait.
And, before dinner, it became clear-
That the deviled eggs began to disappear.
No one would admit it, no one wanted to say-
That they had eaten or taken the eggs away.
It was a good thing that an extra plate had
been made-
That had been secretly hidden, so they too
would not fade.
The recipe was carefully prepared-
Not one ingredient was spared.


Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 674 (Where Have All The Stuffed Eggs Gone?)

The recipe was carefully prepared-
Not one ingredient was spared.
The eggs were boiled and peeled
just right-
The mayo was added, with pickle
sprinkled light.
Each egg was stuffed, and set on the
A warning went out, for those who
could not wait.
And, before dinner, it became clear-
That the deviled eggs began to disappear.
No one would admit it, no one wanted to say-
That they had eaten or taken the eggs away.
It was a good thing that an extra plate had
been made-
That had been secretly hidden, so they too
would not fade.
The recipe was carefully prepared-
Not one ingredient was spared.


Three To Pardon Me

1. To release from punishment.
2. Restores offender’s civil rights.
3. Does not erase a judgement of conviction.
To not wilt-
Joe Arpaio’s guilt.

Three Ways To Know Something Is Wrong (2017)

1. You feel it.

2. You have that suspicion.

3. No matter how many locks you put on your doors
and windows, stuff keeps on missing.

And needless to say-

No blame is going to head your way.




Three That Can Get Dull (2014)


1. Knife blade.

2. TV show.

3. Conscience.
Trained to ignore-
True feelings, in life,
that should remain core.




Three To Return (2014)

1. Book.
2. Borrowed lawnmower.
3. Pompeii relic.
Guilt feelings began to get worse-
50 years after a Canadian
woman had stuffed it in her purse.


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