Three Regarding Budget Cuts (2017)

Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose (Double Reasons To Stay Away)

The devil had been planted many years ago-
The grave covered with dirt, the grass grew slow.
The boy had identified him as such and had great fear-
So when they put the devil out there, he no longer went near.
He had told the story of the devil coming after him in a dream-
You get the idea, you can easily get the scheme.
This dream was so bad that he actually broke his window-
So when they planted the devil, at this particular cemetery he would no longer go.


He and his friends used to venture inside the cemetery just for fun-

But when they planted the devil, this activity could no longer be done.


Time has passed and one day the devil’s daughter will be joining her father in the very same spot-

While on this earth, they had so much in common, and will share the same cemetery lot.


It’s a shame for the boy I was talking about previously is out there too-

Unfortunately at the time, what else was a person to do?


Some folks don’t belong in hell and that boy is one of those-

To separate the good from the bad is the way this story goes.


He was accused of being a thief, but we all know better-

Down to the last breath, down to the last letter.


When the devil’s daughter is put out there others will

stay away too-

Double evil is what this cemetery will accrue.


The devil had been planted many years ago-
The grave covered with dirt, the grass grew slow.




Three Honored (2016)

1. Special one.
2. Most loved one.
3. Handpicked ones.
Sometimes have to dig deep-
Without having to include the black sheep.




Three That Can Be Evil (2010)

1. Devils.

2. Demons.

3. Mean bosses.


In control-

Probably sold their soul.

The Need-To Read # 286

Believe only part, of what you read-
For someone, evil, may be trying
to plant a deceitful seed.