Three Of Interest (2016)

1. News.
2. Opinion.
3. Sports.
To find-
Of every kind.




Three To Kick Around (2015)

1. Can.
2. Politics.
3. Soccer ball.
Much competition
to yield-
Up & down the field.


Three One More (2013)

1. Building.
2. Neighborhood.
3. Sports team.
Another one-
This time a National Women’s Soccer League expansion team in Houston.

Three Uses For A Broom (2010)

1. To sweep the kitchen.

2. To knock down cobwebs.

3. To play Muggle Quidditch.
The soccer like game, invented by the
Harry Potter author, at many colleges
and high schools, does rock-
With broom between legs, to run
after the snitch, and grab the tennis
ball in a sock.

Three That Is Fast Paced (2011)

1. Car racing.

2. Soccer.

3. Sponge Bob.


To stick to the slow-

Until the brain has a chance to grow.

Three That Snow Can Prompt (2013)

1. Shoveling.

2. Snowman building.

3. Soccer game re-do.


Apparently, in Colorado, the stuff got in the way-

During that game between Costa Rica and the USA.


Three Houston Sports Spots (2007)

1. Football.

2. Baseball.

3. Basketball.


Now is the time, for it to occur-

The quick implentation, of a stadium, for soccer.

Three Sports (2012)

1. Soccer.

2. Football.

3. Cheerleading.


Should be called so-

With more safety rules to grow.

Three Moms (2012)

1. Yours.

2. Soccer.

3. Tanning.


Another one, this one from

Pennsylvania, in the news-

Leaving the kids in the car, while

taking care of those much needed

tanning dues.