Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 712 (Weeds)

Even though the grass was still low-

The weeds continued upward to grow.


They overtook the whole yard-

Giving it not a pleasant look, but one

that looked hard.


So, out came the lawnmower, to cut

them down-

Pieces of the weeds, were spread all



A good job done indeed-

For it was something that the yard did need.


Not only did the yard look nice and neat-

But, a hidden surprise, began to take a front seat.


Little tiny purple flowers, began to emerge-

Really and truly, up from the soil, they began to



With tiny green stems, the purple colored

wee flowers stood out-

Previously, hidden by those weeds, no doubt.


Sometimes things might look like they are not

going well-

But, with a simple act, things can change,

and begin to look swell.


Even though the grass was still low-

The weeds continued upward to grow.




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