Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 663 (The Old Neighborhood Store)

It was always filedl with stir-

That neighborhood store, on the corner.


Mother would always send Sandy

to buy some eggs-

She’d walk over there with her

toothpick legs.


Or perhaps one day, it might be

some bread-

Sandy would get whatever Mother

wanted and said.


The best part for Sandy-

Of course, was looking at that ja,r of



And, every once in a while she was

able to get a piece-

An action she hoped would never cease.


Sandy is grown now and remembers so

very well-

That corner grocery, with so many tales

to tell.


Thank goodness Mother took a picture of

it long ago-

For it is now an empty space, where much

grass does grow.


She can still picture herself with the skinny

legs making that trip-

Rewarded with a piece of candy, as a tip.


It was always filled with stir-

That neighborhood store, on the corner.






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