Three To Zap (2016)

1. Fly.
2. Skeeter.
3. That commercial.
Still coming in LOUD and clear-
To make one jump, to make
one fear.




Three That Bother Me (2016)

1. Poison Ivy.

2. Hoaders.

3. A man who “admires” his daughter so
much that if it wasn’t his daughter, he
admits that he’d
DATE her.
Not to miss-
But there is a funny word for the
third thing on this list.


Three To Zap (2016)

1. Fly.
2. Skeeter.
3. That commercial.
Still coming in LOUD and clear-
To make one jump, to make
one fear.




Practice It Right-Let’s Be Polite (453)

Let’s face it, it is a nightmare-

When all you can manage to do is STARE.




Three When Stuff Bothers You (2015)

1. When it is not right.

2. When it doesn’t look good.

3. When it affects YOU.


Sudden concern-

When it affects you, when it is

your turn.




Three Different Occasions When A Few Wrinkles Might Bother Someone (2007)

1. When they are trying not to act their age.
2. When they cannot accept their age.
3. When they are going to be on television.
Brings out “all” the wrinkles for the public to see.



3 Places To Wear Headphones (2014)

1. House.
2. Bus.
3. Anywhere.
To keep mind occupied-
To not bother others, true
and tried.


Three That Can Bother One At Work (2008)

1. An unchecked, overpacked, refrigerator.

2. Too much perfume, and or cologne.

3. The stashing of condiments, from every eatery in town.
What are we saving them for?
When we go back to the same place,
they give oodles more.


Practice It Right-Let’s Be Polite # 511

Red lights, do not bother many, on any given day-
For they ignore them, and do not stop, anyway.

Three Reasons That We Like To Omit Things (2011)

1. They bother us.

2. It’s stressful.

3. We don’t want to admit our downfalls.
So we think that we can
get the job done-
By making folks, forget,
without any mention.

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