Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose (537) (Re-Planting Oak Trees)

Galveston Island was tree bare-
After that 1900 Great Storm affair.
Not much plant life at all-
It had taken a great fall.
And, so came the idea to
plant the oak trees-
To blend in with the island,
and the breeze.
Along Broadway, they especially
Lined up by the hundreds, through
and through.
A familiar sight for those who came
to visit, for a while-
Or those lucky ones, who were
proud residents, of Galveston Isle.
They were met as soon as one drove
off of the causeway-
Escorting one to Stewart Beach, on a
fine sunny day.
But, then Hurricane Ike, in 2008 came-
And, things just were not the same.
The saltwater did its thing-
And, then the sound of buzz saws
began to ring.
The oak trees, were between 50
and 100 years old-
Bringing much sadness, is what
we’ve been told.
But, there is a light up ahead-
For 36 new oaks, will replace the
ones that had been dead.
Surely, these will still be there,
after a hundred years or so-
At least that is what we are hoping
for, the way things will go.
Galveston Island was tree bare-
After that 1900 Great Storm affair.



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