Wednesday Yarn (Mowing That Grass)

It’s time to cut the grass again. There are a few months

during the year when it does not grow much. As a matter

of fact it can appear to be dead.


But lo and behold when the spring comes it sprouts back

up again. The grass and the weeds. The best part of course

is the wildflowers. All different colors. I love the purples

ones. Little bitty flowers perfectly made.


A neighborhood that was once quiet is now bustling with

that lawnmower sound. Some are a little loud, while others

are extreme.


Picking the time to mow on Saturday morning can make a

difference when the neighbors might want to sleep in. Not

everyone gets up at the break of dawn to mow the grass.


Some of the flowers that died off during the winter, if you

want to call it that, tend to come back in surprise. You

know that it died and then there is that little green sprout

coming and before you know it, the thing is in full bloom

once again.


It’s always fun to find some artificial flowers to blend in

with the real ones. That way there is always something

looking pleasant.


Before mowing that grass the mower needs to be looked at.

The oil needs changing, and the blades need to be examined.

Similar to a car it needs to be taken care of so that it will

last another season.


Same for the weed eater. To check that oil and make sure there

is enough plastic string. Well, I’m no expert but like the rest of

us in the neighborhood we have spent many years trying to

battle that greenery that grows around us.


If we don’t keep up with it, it will take over, and we can’t have


“Keeping up all summer long is well known-

For that green green grass of home.”


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