Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose (Valentines Are Forever)

We always made valentines for our parents at school-

As it was always part of the golden rule.


They ended up on the fridge, always of course-

With the other stuff, we made magnetized in full force.


And then there came the time, up and over the bend-

We gave a special valentine to a boyfriend or a girlfriend.


Marriage came later, and we always took the route-

Candy, flowers, valentines, and dinner out.


The years went by and the children came-

They made valentines too, and we hung them up

all the same.


Still taking care of the spouse, with a big I love you-

Forever we meant, and more of this tradition did accrue.


Sadly came the day, when the two became one-

Not through default, but death simply cannot become undone.


The feelings are still there, and yes it is hard-

As the flowers are brought to the graveyard.


Love continues with one left behind-

Still remembering, still thinking, with all of ones’ heart,

to give that valentine.


We always made valentines for our parents at school-

As it was always part of the golden rule.








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  1. Mary Elizabeth
    Feb 14, 2016 @ 22:35:58

    Reblogged this on Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times.



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