Modern Mother Goose-On The Loose # 802 (Barbara’s Pear Tree)

When Barbara was a little girl-

A pear tree, highlighted her world.


The farm, where she grew up was

a wonderful place-

With plenty of room to run, without ever

running out, of space.


Barbara remembers, without any dispute-

That the pear tree had the most

delicious fruit.


And, underneath, is where the four leaf

clovers grew-

Finding one, meant much luck, which

obviously, Barbara would acrue.


There were old trees and new ones

that sprouted, from the ground-

Hanging upside down, on an old

one, is where Barbara, as a child

could be found.


Memories of apple orchards, and all

the rest of the trees-

Filled with fruit, swaying to a bit, of

a breeze.


For Barbara, the childhood days may be


But, of course, the memories continue on.


A unique person, Barbara must be-

For one of those four leafed clovers, is

pressed in her old drivers ID.


When Barbara was a little girl-

A pear tree highlighted her world.

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  1. Mary Elizabeth
    Mar 09, 2022 @ 09:45:10

    Reblogged this on Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times.



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